Conference Mobile App
The ASCILITE 2019 conference will be supported by a dedicated mobile app and it is ready for downloading. The app will provide key information and interactive features to help you get the most out of your time at the conference. You are strongly encouraged to download the app now to familiarise yourself with the features.
Step 1: Download the App
Search for “CrowdCompass AttendeeHub” in the Apple App Store or Google Play to download the app (iOS or Android) onto the device that you are bringing to the conference.
Apple App Store
Google Play
If you are not using an iPhone or Android phone, you could also access the app via the weblink at
Step 2: Find the Event
Search for “ASCILITE 2019” or "ASCILITE" in the “Find my event” bar to download the contents. We have lots of information for you, hence the downloading might take a while. Do this when you are connected to Wi-Fi.
Step 3: Allow us to send you notifications!
Once you have successfully downloaded the app and event contents, please allow us to send you notifications so that we can keep you constantly updated on the latest announcement from now till the event is over.
Step 4: Log in to the App
We will only require your First & Last Name, and an email address that you can access instantly to get the verification code to complete the log in.
Check your email for the Verification Code, enter it, and you have the app!
Personal information and photos collected from the mobile app will only be used for the purpose of the ASCILITE 2019 Conference by Singapore University of Social Sciences, and would not be shared with any other party. Upon creation of an account in the app, you can choose to either have a public or private profile. If you choose to have a public profile, all delegates using the app will be able to see your name, organisation, contact details and any other information that you have added to your profile. If you choose a private profile, only your name, company and title will be visible to the other delegates. After setting up your account, you can still choose to change your privacy settings via the settings function in the app.